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Vox Uristi exports Dwarf Fortress maps in a voxel format to create beautiful rendering of your fortresses.

It uses DFHack to read the fortress data and export it in the .vox format. The resulting file can then be opened in a software such as MagicaVoxel to render it.

Shàmmanór, a fortress by rockjitsu Heavenfall, a fortress by Horrigant

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  • ☑ Base building blocks (walls, floors, fortifications)
  • ☑ Water, magma and grass
  • ☑ Basic material colors
  • ☑ Directional ramps
  • ☑ Rough/Smooth floor representation
  • ☑ Basic tree support, inaccurate but good enough
  • ☑ Most construction items (doors, windows, bars, bridges, furnitures, workshops)
  • ☑ Flows, waves and mist
  • ☑ Seasonal plants
  • ☑ Detailed materials (metallic, water, light emission)
  • ☑ Building content (books on bookcases, items in workshops, …)
  • ☑ Spatters
  • ☑ Export the buildings as individual selectable objects
  • ☑ Split the export into useful layers
  • ☐ Item state (opened/closed)
  • ☐ Rails
  • ☐ Easier/interactive export

Maybe some day

  • ☐ Export some animations
  • ☐ Customizable models
  • ☐ Support different voxel resolutions

Other Dwarf Fortress visualisation tools

Vox Uristi is only intended to make one-off renders of fortresses. Other tools can be used for different kind of usage or render.

For real-time isometric rendering: stonesense.

For real-time 3D rendering: Armok Vision.

For one-off render of the world map: VoxelFortress.